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Live Streaming Destinations, BoxCast Features + Updates, Live Streaming Software, How To Live Stream

Person watching a live stream on YouTube and Facebook at same time

How to Live Stream to Facebook and YouTube at the Same Time

Social streaming is an incredibly useful way to get your live videos seen by the largest number of people possible. One of the best ways to broadcast live video is by multistreaming (aka simulcasting) to several social media platforms at the same time. This guide walks you through how to do that with Facebook and YouTube.

Table of Contents

Can I Stream to Facebook and YouTube at the Same Time?

In short, yes. But you can’t do it alone. Facebook and YouTube are owned by separate companies (Meta and Google, respectively), and each company wants you to use their own video platform — and only their own video platform. There’s no way to natively send a stream from Facebook to YouTube and vice versa.

Tablets multistreaming a football game to Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, and Twitch

Check out these quick, useful guides if you want to stream to these platforms individually:

However, you need a separate service to stream to both of these platforms at the same time. This is where BoxCast comes in. BoxCast is an easy-to-use live video streaming solution that lets you broadcast to Facebook, YouTube, and many other destinations all at the same time.

Video: How to Stream to Multiple Social Media Platforms Simultaneously


What You Need to Live Stream to Facebook + YouTube

To start live streaming to Facebook and YouTube, you’ll need accounts for those platforms. You’ll also need a BoxCast account — this is how you’ll stream to both platforms at once.

It’s easy to start streaming directly from a web browser with BoxCast. You don’t even need extra equipment or cameras! That said, if you want to take your live streams to the next level, you can broadcast with any of the following methods using BoxCast:

Live streaming using iPhone, laptop, and camera with encoder

Pro Tip: If you have a video already recorded you’d like to broadcast to Facebook and YouTube at the same time, you can do that, too. Take a look at how you can broadcast a previously recorded video as if it were live using BoxCast’s Simulated Live feature.

How to Live Stream to Facebook + YouTube Simultaneously

Step 1: Prep + Sign In

Make sure you’ve assembled all your equipment (see above depending on which broadcasting method you’re using) and signed in to all your accounts: the BoxCast Dashboard, Facebook, and YouTube. If you have multiple accounts on the same social media platform, sign in to the one you want to stream to.

Note: If you haven’t streamed on YouTube before, you must first enable live streaming on your channel. YouTube requires a 24–48-hour wait period to activate live streaming once you’ve enabled it, so be sure to prep ahead and do it well in advance! Verify your account and enable live streaming on your YouTube account with these instructions.

Step 2: Enable Social Destinations in Your Live Streaming Platform

If you’ve already integrated your social accounts with your streaming platform of choice, you can skip this step. If you haven’t, read on.

In the BoxCast Dashboard, go to the Settings page. Navigate to the Integrations tab and select Add Integration.

BoxCast dashboard adding social integrations

Select Facebook or YouTube from the drop-down menu. You can choose any other available social media platform to stream to, as well as other custom destinations — just repeat this step with as many social media accounts as you like.

With each social platform, you’ll have to authorize BoxCast to connect to your account. Follow the on-screen prompts to do so. Then, all your social media destinations will be listed on the Integrations tab in the Dashboard.

Step 3: Schedule a Broadcast

Schedule a broadcast in the BoxCast Dashboard or your streaming platform of choice. In the Schedule a Broadcast tab, create a new broadcast, give it a name and description, and schedule the time and date you’ll go live. From the Destinations drop-down, select Facebook, YouTube, and any other social media accounts. Then select Schedule Broadcast.

BoxCast dashboard streaming to multiple sources

Step 4: Go Live

Your broadcast is scheduled — now it’s time to go live! What’s great about BoxCast is that you can go live automatically to Facebook and YouTube. Once you’ve scheduled the broadcast, everything else is done for you.

Make sure your equipment is on and connected to the internet. Then sit back, relax, and enjoy the stream. You’ll begin live streaming at the time you scheduled in the BoxCast Dashboard, and all your viewers on Facebook and YouTube will see the same live stream at the same time on their respective social platforms.

Congrats! You’re live streaming to Facebook and YouTube at the same time.

Watching a live stream on a mobile phone

Pro Tip: In the Broadcast Details section of BoxCast Dashboard, navigate to the Destinations drop-down, then select the social platforms you’re currently streaming to. From here, you can click Watch on YouTube and Watch on Facebook to view your live stream exactly how your followers can see it on their respective social platforms.

Social Streaming Tips + Tricks

Create automatic announcement posts

When you schedule a live stream with BoxCast for a social media platform, you can create an announcement post. This is an automatic post on your social account telling your followers when you’ll be going live. It’s just one more way to make sure you get the most eyes on your live stream.

BoxCast dashboard announcing live stream on social media

Market Your Broadcasts to Your Followers

Make sure you’ve let your followers know you’re going to go live. We’ve got some more tips on how to market your broadcasts and get more viewers in this guide to multistreaming to social media.

Add Even More Social Destinations

Once you’ve got a handle on live streaming to Facebook and YouTube simultaneously, explore adding more destinations for your streams. With BoxCast, you can broadcast to Twitter, Twitch, Vimeo, your own website, Roku and Apple TV apps, and your own custom destinations all at the same time. All you have to do is add more destinations using the BoxCast Dashboard — give it a shot!

Take Your Stream Quality to the Next Level

After you’ve been live streaming for a while, consider upping your production quality. Improving your internet connectivity, cameras and microphones, and other video equipment can really take your live streams from amateur-looking to professional productions. Invest in some new equipment and watch as your production value and stream quality dramatically increase.


Can I stream from YouTube to Facebook?

While you can’t send a stream directly from YouTube to Facebook, you can stream to both at the same time with BoxCast. It’s an easy way to send live streams to YouTube and Facebook simultaneously.

Is Facebook or YouTube better for live streaming?

YouTube’s live streaming technology is a little better and will allow you to stream in higher resolutions and smoother frame rates than Facebook. However, if you have more followers on one platform than the other, we recommend focusing on just one platform to start out. Or stream to both Facebook and YouTube at the same time.

What does multistreaming mean?

Multistreaming stands for multiple streaming, as in, live streaming to multiple destinations at the same time. This is a method of broadcasting live video to places like Facebook, YouTube, Twitch, Twitter, and more simultaneously. Your followers see the same live video at the same time on whichever platforms you’re multistreaming to.


We are firm believers that directing streaming viewers to your own website is always best. You can easily integrate your BoxCast stream with Sites, our website builder made just for churches. Start a free trial to see how it works.

Start a Free Trial

Final Thoughts + Further Reading

Multistreaming to Facebook and YouTube is a great way to get your video content seen by more people. When you go to where your followers are, it’s less work for them to find your content. Regardless of your level of production knowledge or video expertise, we’ve compiled some helpful guides to get more viewers and produce great video content wherever you stream to.