The BoxCast Blog

Can I Make Money from My Live Streams?

Written by BoxCast Team | May 4, 2017

Organizations around the world, including schools, churches, city councils, and sports leagues, have discovered that no matter how hard they try, not everyone in their networks can attend every event.

That’s when live streaming comes in. Live video streaming has proven itself as a formidable way to engage an audience when people can’t attend an event in-person. But streaming doesn’t only benefit online viewers; it can actually be a wonderful way for organizations to generate additional revenue.

How can you make money from your live streams? With BoxCast, it’s easy.

How to Set a Ticket Price

When you schedule an event within the BoxCast Dashboard, you’re prompted to complete several steps. In the “Publish” section, setting a ticket price is easy. Simply enter whatever price you'd like to charge, as long as it's greater than $4.00.

When your event goes live, viewers will have to enter their credit card information to access your broadcast. BoxCast will handle all the ticket processing, and then send you a check for your earnings.


Does it Work?

BoxCast customers have found great success with the ticketing option. In 2015, Cincinnati’s La Salle High School used BoxCast to broadcast four football games online. From those four games alone, they generated more than $2,400 in gross online ticket sales for the school.  

Organizations of any size regularly charge admission prices to attend an event in person. Now, it doesn’t have to be any different when someone “attends” an event online.


Recommended Reading:

Want to learn more about how La Salle High School’s broadcasts did so well? Be sure to read How La Salle High School Built a Powerhouse Broadcast Program.