Welcome to The Block!
This month, we're bringing you an exciting podcast with EasyWorship, showcasing new features, introducing our fitness champion, and seeking your valuable feedback on what you'd like to see next from us!
Bring Big Church Energy to Your Presentations
This month’s podcast episode takes you behind the scenes of creating and managing powerful worship presentations with EasyWorship! We chat with the experts at EasyWorship.com, exploring their software's tools that simplify the tech side of your worship services. Whether your church is small and growing or a larger congregation seeking streamlined solutions, this episode delivers practical insights to elevate your worship experience.

Have You Heard the Latest News?
Our CEO, Gordon Daily, recently showcased BoxCast's cutting-edge RemoteMix technology at the Churchfront conference. This innovative tool is set to make its debut for Spark users shortly and will be available for free for a limited time. Stay tuned for Gordon's talk on Churchfront's YouTube page and watch for exciting updates from us soon!
Do You Have BoxCast Product Ideas?
We're constantly working to make BoxCast even better, and we hope you're enjoying features like Sharing captions and Audio Meters. Do you have any ideas for what we should tackle next? We're always open to new suggestions!
Share your thoughts in our product portal, where you can also track our progress and provide feedback on recent updates.
Attending SALT? Stop By and Say Hi!
We’ll be attending the SALT conference in Dallas, TX on October 16-18. SALT is a community for those in Creative Arts in the local Church, and the conference will feature a variety of resources and speakers to provide guidance in this area.
If you’re coming to the show, come see us — we’ll be at the Pixel Concepts booth, showcasing our Spark encoder.
Let Us Help Build Your Dream App
Meet oos, the newest division of BoxCast! This consulting wing specializes in custom app development and creative solutions. We team up with organizations to develop tailored software that fits specific needs and helps everything run efficiently.
Want to learn more about how oos can help your organization? Book a free consultation today!
BoxCast's September Fitness Challenge Ends with a Winner!
BoxCast's September Fitness Challenge was a resounding success! Our dedicated team stepped up to the plate, logging countless hours of workouts and staying committed to their fitness goals. The competition was fierce, but in the end, Barry McFadden, one of our engineering managers, emerged as the champion, earning a well-deserved reward – money towards new fitness equipment! We're incredibly proud of everyone who participated and their dedication to a healthier lifestyle.
Here’s what we’ve been watching, reading, and creating lately:
Ultimate Christmas Kit from Church Fuel
Live Streaming with BoxCast from Shepherd’s Hub
Training Your Church Sound Tech
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